help I'm trapped in this blog

Friday, January 31, 2003

Just checked my grades.
I haven't done that badly in years.
I'm going now.

Thursday, January 30, 2003

Right, so now we can't play pool at work, added to the fact that we couldn't watch TV for a while now (ie we couldn't put down on the couch and put up our feet... checking out a show is still ok), and I know we've been told that we shouldn't just sit in the booth and do homework all shift. Now, while I like doing nothing as well as the next guy, and I realize that ignoring our job doesn't help our image... well, neither does looking like we're bored out of our minds. Which it looks like we will be. So I ask... wazzupwitdat?

Tuesday, January 28, 2003

now presenting the nihilist zone... in technacolor!

Friday, January 24, 2003

i've found that being what's right doesn't mean it hurts any less

good night all

closing shifts are not quite the bane of my existence... but I like not having to work when I work. And if I am going to be sleep-deprived, I want it to be because I want to... Eh, I'm being too picky. Ain't nothin' wrong wit cash money. ;)

Thursday, January 23, 2003

[insert Seether lyrics here]

* * *

the past is gone
it went by like dust to dawn
isn't that the way
everybody's got their dues in life to pay


all the things come back to you

Wednesday, January 22, 2003

Right, so I woke up at 730, had class, work, and homework in the spaces between until about 6, and then a meeting... why is it 9 already? At least I'm getting over this cold - yes, hacking up a lung is progress! Hoping to be well in time to enjoy the 60� (!) weather this weekend... Anyway, cheers to any or all who are reading, and if you know me, IM me if you want in with the lunacy. ;)
So I'm reading my old posts, and I realize I really am an ass quite a bit... if anyone to whom I refer ever reads this, I apologize for previous ass-ness. Will try to keep it to a minimum.

The lunacy continues..... 0.o