help I'm trapped in this blog

Wednesday, February 25, 2004

Now playing:
Random lazy-ish guitar music on the silly Genetics video on Saccharomyces

Who wants to go home? Three guesses.

Monday, February 23, 2004

Now playing:
Jennifer Paige, Stranded
(not really, I didn't rip the CD, but it's playing in my head... or so the voices tell me)

At the library trying to get something done.

So not getting anything done.

Sunday, February 22, 2004

And I've been recently thinking about changing the name back to "The End of the Beginning (or Vice Versa)." While I don't think this is at all the beginning of The End, things are beginning to end - my carefree (ie careless) outlook on life, my obsession with electronic entertainment, my overdone and generally unrealistic approach to relationships - though I will find love eventually... - and sadly, many things I cherished in childhood. However, these ends simply add up to the true End of the Beginning, and though I know many aspects of my past and current life will not truly fade as long as I live, I do realize that I can't hold on to everything. Just as I perpetually have to clean my room, I have to let go of the old to let in the new... and so far, there's plenty of good new to let in. So to sum up, the name may change back, because if there's one thing I'm letting go of, it's a nihilistic outlook.
Now playing:
Cake, Short Skirt, Long Jacket

"I want a girl with a short skirt
and a loooooooong jacket..." ;)

In other news, B-day ball rocked all sorts of ways. Better than freshman year, where I was mortified by my date's (i.e. girlfriend's) grandparents' presence at the ball. Better than last year, where dinner was poorly executed, prepartying was rushed, it was freezing cold and pouring rain, and I was all dopey for being dateless. Instead: excellent dinner plans, complete with goofy pictures before and wonderful lovely delicious cheesecake after; excellent prepartying, with fun and crazy roommates who didn't once bring up the fact that I didn't have a date (for that and much much more, you guys are awesome, and damn cool), excellent mudslides, and the requisite Fresca; and a wicked awesome ball, where I danced with the lovely ladies, chilled with previously mentioned roommates, friends, and respective significant others, and only wished I had brought a date a little bit (as opposed to the entire preceding week). Best Birthday Ball ever, and I have a feeling that things are still on the way up.

PS - if the person (names need not be mentioned) who stole Robin's camera happens to be reading this by some wierd twist of fate, for God's sake, return it to Public Safety or something, before Dan breaks both your legs...
Fwahahahaha, someone remembered my existence! =D Anna, I think I lost track of you on IM, and since I first set it to auto-block non-buddies, then experienced permanent computer failure (meaning I'm seriously never online), I have not had the means to talk to you for some time. If you'd like, you can email me at, and give me your IM or such so that I can talk to you if I log on at a public terminal.

If it's any consolation, I didn't forget that you exist... 0:)

Wednesday, February 18, 2004

heh... guess who finally remembered that this (and thus, you) existed?

I won't say I've read all your back entries (yet)... but I remember a time when I thought we were kindred spirits, and we talked all the time.

What happened to that?

Monday, February 16, 2004

Now Playing (at completely too high volume):

[My room]: [techno beat]
[Andrew's room]: "Du Hast!"
[Dan's room]: "Sweet home Alabama..."
[Andrew's room]: [heavy metal guitar riff]
[Dan's room]: "...Lord I'm comin' home to you..."
[My room]: "Smack my bitch up!"

So I was in a little bit of a funk, but the combination of Prodigy, Lynyrd Skynyrd, and Rammstein is simply too much. Let's hope that there isn't nearly as much temptation to do nothing tomorrow as there was today. (Reason # 1 why I have to let go of this: I can't take a funk every week!!!!)

Sunday, February 15, 2004

A breath of wind now leaves me cold
To watch the dying embers float
Like hope upon the evening breeze -
The spark of love, now scatter'd free.
Now Playing:

What is love?
Baby don't hurt me
Don't hurt me
No more
- Haddaway

And so it is that once again there is no one with whom I would start a relationship, only those who I cannot have a relationship with and those who I could have had a relationship with. God damn being single.

Saturday, February 07, 2004

Now Playing:
Lenny Kravitz, If I Could Fall In Love

In the greatest of ironies I could imagine, when I finally find someone for whom I desperately want to end my exile from relationhips, I must forsake all my hopes. If I do not abandon my feelings for her, it can only lead to anger, jealousy, and the end of the only way I can be near her. I know it is the right thing to do, as well as the only way "someday" can ever come to be. Why then does it pain me so deeply to let her out of my heart?

Wednesday, February 04, 2004

Now playing:
Puff Daddy (back in the day), Come With Me
Saliva, Click Click Boom
...and the rest of my motivational playlist.

Gym today, much fun and pumping of iron, and I did cardio without hacking up a lung! (first time in months!!!) Now if I can only remember a water bottle next time...

Busy start to the week, looks like a busy weekend as well. Time to go enjoy the calm spot while I have it. "France is like, 'Fire Ze Missiles!' '...but I am le tired...' 'OK, then take a nap. THEN FIRE ZE MISSILES!!!" (completely unrelated) "Check out my knife!" "You call that a knife? Now this is a knife!" "No it's not, that's a spoon!" "Ah, I see you've played knifey-spooney before..."

Oh, and it looks like we're back to arial. Wahoo.

Monday, February 02, 2004

Work? I have work? Who authorized this????

Now Playing:
Play That Funky Music White Boy