help I'm trapped in this blog

Sunday, July 24, 2005

Figured it was about time I wrote something in this thing again, being as how the link is all public and shizzle...

I refer, of course, to my recent drafting into the Facebook community, which was probably inevitable but was hastened by a certain girlfriend. Dan fell similarly, and that makes me feel better in a way. However, all my pleasure is sapped by the fact that I have become far too intertwined in its seductive interpersonal networks to be objective: I have become a facebookie. NOT nearly as much as a certain other friend, whose name I will refrain from [Steve] ...never mind.

Anyway. If I thought I had a lot to say last time, then I doubt I could have imagined the course my life has taken since. Between being pushed harder than ever before, weathering the biggest change my life has withstood yet, and seeing others going through even bigger changes and hardships... it was an interesting half year. Further detail would be impossible due to time constraints but would still not do justice to the events themselves; they just had to be experienced. Creating a thesis, seeing a friend deal with cancer. Dealing with the future while watching the best times I have ever known leave me behind. Finding life after graduation and learning [slowly] to move on. And then there's that relationship thing... "the best one yet" doesn't quite do it justice, but it's simple and the truth. All the experiences of senior year have left me very much not the same person I was before, and I would almost say that their effect on me is greater than the previous three years combined. But without those years, there could not have been nearly the same fun, crazy, down-to-the-wire, overworked, underslept, exhausting, and exhilarating times that made Senior year what it ought to be:

The best year ever.

I have to get up in seven hours to teach small children to keep their legs straight when they kick, make even strokes with both arms (or they'll go in circles), look before they jump in, and that putting your face in the water really isn't scary once you get used to it.

Life is good. :)