help I'm trapped in this blog

Sunday, October 31, 2004

Now Playing:
Bon Jovi, It's My Life

Before it seems like I didn't remember anything, all the people who chilled on Friday are damn cool. And to everyone who didn't chill... well, you're still sorta cool.

So the quotes of the weekend are:

"I wanted five individual quesadillas, not five boxes of quesadillas." - Some guy at the CC, through which four other people got free quesadillas...

"Kittens are like toads with fur!" - Toni from Gen Bio, explaining why spiders are not as cute as kittens

"I learned from instructional videos." - Amy (need I say more?)

...and there's another one, but I can't find the post-it that I wrote it on. Maybe something Renee said about "there's a wave of tingle in my head." It was like that.

Now playing:
Burt Bacharach, What The World Needs Now Is Love
(I've seen Austin Powers too many times recently)


Do I accept what is offered to me, or do I turn down what I don't want and have nothing? Is it better to compromise and at least have something or to not settle and have nothing at the moment? Or should I find and get what I want? Do I really want it anyway? Am I just too scared to put in the effort? Am I scared that I will fail, or am I scared that I will succeed? What would I do if I did? (What wouldn't I do if I did?)

Rebekah would tell me that I think too much.

Saturday, October 30, 2004

You are DNA. You're a smart person, and you appear
incredibly complex to people who don't know
you. You're incomparably full of information,
and most of it is useless.

Which Biological Molecule Are You?

They forgot to mention that I'm made up of regular repeating structures, and have complimentary strands... oh wait. Well, at least that useless part is right on. :P

Friday, October 22, 2004

Now Playing:
Jet, Are You Gonna Be My Girl
The Darkness, I Believe In A Thing Called Love

I read something oddly appropriate tonight - an article, which really read more like a rant - debunking the theory of "nice" guys. It started out somewhat bitchy, but as the author got to her point I started to realize that I almost entirely agreed with her. Occasional small jabs aside, she mainly put forth that the average "nice" guy is simply a guy who lacks the balls to be direct and make a move. Instead, he acts friendly towards girls who interest him in a roundabout way to get laid. Then, when nothing happens, he whines about the lack of action in his life.

Now I can't say that I've never wondered why no one seems interested in me, or that I've never chickened out and let an opportunity pass me by (though boy, did I regret it later). On the other hand, I think of myself as not a "nice guy" because I don't do things to be nice. I'd like to think I'm friendly, and I like to be there for my friends, but that has nothing to do with being interested in them.

The problem with all of this comes when I start thinking too much about things. And I inevitably do. Most likely, I start to think about what is likely to happen before I even start anything. For example, the most common way that women have found me attractive is by being friends first. This by itself isn't a problem, but then if I am interested in someone I don't know, it is hard for me to know how to go about it. When I just ask a girl to dinner, things have a way of not going anywhere. Also, the transition from friendship to relationship can be much more smooth than trying to forge a relationship from scratch.

No matter how tantalizing to consider, all that stuff is just an excuse that lets me indulge in being afraid. Whether it's fear of rejection, fear of losing friends, or fear of things actually going well, I need to get over it. This little article, accurate or not, told me what I needed to hear. I have to stop waiting for things to happen and take some risks. After all, fear is the only thing I have to lose.

Now Playing:
Metallica, Fuel

It's a good afternoon. Test went well-ish, finally some sunshine, and nothing else to do all day. I need some good old-fashioned free time in my life.

Recent Quotes:

"Don't ever eat the cookie taco." - Adam, at lunch

"Once your liver and spleen explode, you're kinda... you're pretty much going to die." - Chemistry lecturer, on the disease leishmaniasis

"Happy Birthday..." - Sam, to a professor, right before starting to take her sweatshirt off (which pulled her T-shirt with it a bit), so the effect was something like "Happy Birthday!" [strips]

Walking home from lunch, I decided that if my first choice for hero superpower is unreasonable, then I would like the ability to control ice cream. Like, generate high-pressure streams of soft-serve from my hands or throw popsicles that explode into sprinkles or something. I could bury my enemies under an avalanche of neapolitan, or at least give them nasty brain freeze. I think that would be fun, and I could keep all my friends entertained with frosty treats.

As far as last night goes, if there is such a thing as a lobster high, Dan and I were on it. Between the two of us and the claws we gave to Steve (who decided he liked lobster after giving his to Dan) we polished off 13 of the things. At a modest $10 a pop, that means we each ate over $50 in crustacean alone. The rationale was that we got our money's worth... for this year and all the other ones. Needless to say, this goes down in history as the best lobster night ever.

["Don't you mean... bizarro lobster night?"]

Tuesday, October 19, 2004

Now Playing:
Whitesnake, Here I Go Again

I fully realize that the last post was mainly a load of crap. The idea was that I wondered how some guy could be so idiotic as to break up with a woman who is attractive in so many ways, and why she even put up with a guy like that for as long as she did. It really doesn't matter though. The attractive women will keep falling for the arrogant assholes and the arrogant assholes will keep breaking their hearts, while the nice guys will keep wondering why. This means that there's probably a nice girl wondering when the nice guy will realize that she has been there all along. But somewhere, there's a nice and attractive woman who has given up on assholes and just wants a nice guy...

Monday, October 18, 2004

Now Playing:
Seether, Gasoline

So last night I was hanging out at a friend's place (in lieu of studying, naturally) and the topic of her roommate's recent ex-boyfriend came up. Let me digress for a moment and clarify: as if it wasn't enough that this girl is smart, funny, talented, and super-nice, she's drop-dead gorgeous too. And some jackhole whose name escapes me decided she wasn't worth his time. The only thing I can say in a half-hearted attempt at seeing his side of the issue is that I don't know her that well. Even so, for her to have some dark secret that drove him away seems highly unlikely. I'm sticking with my previous diagnosis - that he's just another typical dumbass guy.

Anyway, later on this girl asked (in a wondering, rhetorical sort of way) why so many of the guys at WAC seem to be just like this idiot. Naturally, this made me wonder - why are so many males here so... typical? My first instinct is to say that there are so many ladies here that it allows guys to act like a-holes, but that really can't explain all of it. After all, I know plenty of nice guys; I don't generally keep company with guys otherwise. The next logical answer is that there really are nice guys here, but that they just don't get as much airtime as the assholes. Given the typical asshole prototype, they tend to be louder, bigger partiers, bigger drinkers (ie easy, though that doesn't mean much for a guy), and tend to know more people. However, I don't feel that explanation is accurate either, given that a relatively small percentage of people are born assholes (I think). The final assumption is that guys tend to not be as in touch with their emotions, and certain situations *cough* lacrosse *cough* can further drive a guy to brainless machismo. This "accidental asshole" theory is far from complete or even necessarily founded in fact, but it seems reasonable that a somewhat-nice guy can, through particularly male thinking and poor choices, end up doing asshole-ish things that are easier to continue than to rectify.

I think she may have added "why aren't there any nice guys?" but that's too hard to answer without making an ass of myself... so I just let it be rhetorical.

Friday, October 08, 2004

So I'm the lucky bastard that got the number half the idiots in Chestertown call when they fuck up the number for Domino's. Apparently the other half were actually dialing on their TV remote...

Saturday, October 02, 2004

Quote of the night:
"I shouldn't flash certain glass-cutting areas..." - Cassie

Things learned from tonight:

1) Dan is still the grillmaster, and makes a damn good burger
2) Low-carb wheat wraps are craptastic to make wraps with
3) Warning a friend before giving them a shot that is half Tabasco sauce is common courtesy (though significantly less fun)

4) Beating a friend at his own game is quite fun
5) The Axe Effect really does work sometimes (though the stuff requires frequent refreshing)
6) It can be fun to party with people you don't really know... and asking the person you want to dance with to dance can't hurt
7) According to some people, I am God :)
8) K-Rock is hilarious when he's drunk
9) All in all, Steve's damn cool, even if he doesn't agree that I'm God
10) A night that involves something that has been bothering me lately and someone who I wanted to see that never showed can still be awesome if I let it.