help I'm trapped in this blog

Sunday, October 31, 2004

Now Playing:
Bon Jovi, It's My Life

Before it seems like I didn't remember anything, all the people who chilled on Friday are damn cool. And to everyone who didn't chill... well, you're still sorta cool.

So the quotes of the weekend are:

"I wanted five individual quesadillas, not five boxes of quesadillas." - Some guy at the CC, through which four other people got free quesadillas...

"Kittens are like toads with fur!" - Toni from Gen Bio, explaining why spiders are not as cute as kittens

"I learned from instructional videos." - Amy (need I say more?)

...and there's another one, but I can't find the post-it that I wrote it on. Maybe something Renee said about "there's a wave of tingle in my head." It was like that.

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