help I'm trapped in this blog

Tuesday, December 23, 2003

You know it's bad when I'm getting tired of video games. My music collection is reasonably organized, and there isn't much more I can do with it on the POS computer I have to work with until mine gets fixed. This means that all the computer games I was going to try during break are out as well. Game development on the 89 isn't getting anywhere fast, mainly because I have hit a thorough lack of inspiration - call it programmer's block - that is probably related to the video game overuse. I've ripped through at least five books since I hit the library last week, and the remaining few are most certainly quaking in fear. I've even restarted that written journal, and I still find myself with a ridiculous abundance of time. It's getting to the point that, despite the sad download times this computer suffers from, I'm tempted to get caught up on all the old webcomics...

Incidentally, all I really want to do is go hang out with friends, and that seems to be the hardest thing to do so far. Damn being in the middle of nowhere!

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