help I'm trapped in this blog

Friday, January 16, 2004

In progress: Tom's List of College Stuff

In response to seeing a few list of cool things or general facts about college and college life, I have decided to come up with my own list - the list is actually mostly made, I just have to write down the random thoughts for once. I was going to call it University Universalities, but that sounds kinda geeky, so List of College Stuff stands.

(no numbers until the list is "complete," meaning that it has reached a round number like ten or something)

- The dining hall serves nothing you like all week, followed by everything you like all in one meal.
- You get to appreciate the little things, like real silverware, a free evening, friends you haven't seen in forever, mail, and especially free food, a lot more.
- "Essentials" consist of things such as a TV, email, IM, and your favorite coffee drink.

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