help I'm trapped in this blog

Sunday, July 25, 2004

Now playing:
"Chariots of Fire" Theme
I've never been one to stake health on a statistic, and I really don't even care what I weigh if I'm healthier and look better.  That said, there's nothing to boost the ego quite like hopping on a scale and seeing the lowest number in years.  No massive change, but it makes me really optimistic about the next few months.  For one thing, every time I've gone to the Philippines I lost about 5% of my body weight (that fish and rice thing really does it).  If that happens I won't miss it much, but the real prize will be the school year.  At the current rate of weight loss, I will reach my current [realistic] goal by the end of the school year, which is convenient for May Day.  That would be the best graduation present ever.

Friday, July 23, 2004

Now playing:
Jay-Z, 99 Problems

Yet another song that I should listen to more often.

I wanted to say something but I can't word it very well, and I'm actually somewhat worried about seeming offensive to some people so I'll hold off until I can figure out how I want to say it, if I still do.  The more personal part (which I also still can't say right) is that I've started doubting the validity of the concept of "the right one."  It sounds like a nice thing to hope for, and there are certainly women I know that I could be happy enough with, but I still don't think I've found a "right one."  Perhaps the concept in my mind is intrinsically flawed by unrealistic expectations.  Regardless of whether that is to blame, I have still managed to find enough potential points of conflict in any girl I've been attracted to for a long time to convince myself that a relationship wouldn't work out.  And that is why I am single.

I am out of time, so I'll figure out more later.


Thursday, July 22, 2004


Serves me right for not writing the damn thing in Word.  Damn the backspace key.  Anyway, here's most of it.  Except now I'm pissed so this is going to come out short and mad.  Like a rabid badger or something.


Now playing:
I Stand Alone, by Godsmack

I should listen to this more often.

It seemed like longer since I updated but the last few updates were crap anyway.

We went to UDel today and talked endlessly about various crap and bitched about poor organization and general confusion in Puerto Rico.  Everything was pretty cool, except for the usual small bitchy things, which are pretty endemic to visiting UDel anyway.  I wish they'd visit us for a change, and we WILL have them visit after the new building is done.  Kidnapping possible.

...I don't remember what came next but it was probably some bitching about something.  I do that.  There were some Noted Quotes or whatever I call them, so here they are.  In convenient countdown form because people love that shit.

4.  "Punta Gorda, Fla" - Bumper Sticker

The best the translator will give me is "Fat End," but if memory serves me correctly the name of that town means "Fat Bitch" or the like.  The other Florida hotspot.

3.  "Fuckcock!" - A certain research partner, either while working yesterday or in traffic today. 

He has the best expletives.

2.  In Wal-Mart:
Mexican:  "Donde estan los banos?"
Mom:  "Oh, you're from Los Banos?"

Mom... worries me sometimes.

1.  "Blog - A public internet journal kept by individuals who obviously have no shame." - VH1

Damn straight.  And why I use this instead of LJ.


I was gonna have five but then I didn't feel like coming up with a fifth.  So to all you multiples-of-five people out there... this blog isn't FOR you.  Ham!

Wednesday, July 14, 2004

I really hate it when I have something important and, moreso, interesting to say and it vaporizes by the time I get to writing it down. I think the world would be significantly more advanced if it wasn't for bad memory.

I still don't understand women. I should probably not hold my breath waiting.

Tuesday, July 13, 2004

Maybe I'll get in trouble for this, since so far all of my three readers are female, but...

I fear I will never understand women. They are completely beyond comprehension, occasionally even to members of their own sex.

That's really all, I won't go into details but they are certainly gory. God save us all.

Monday, July 12, 2004

So according to AOL Presidential Match Guide, I match 72% with Kerry and 19% with Bush. Not that I particularly intended to vote Bush anyway, but Kerry seems to have the right idea on more of the issues than I expected. That and, after seeing Fahrenheit 9/11, I don't think I can support someone who intends to keep troops in Iraq unnecessarily. They may be needed there, but they don't need to be there as long as they are, or under the current circumstances. Get done what needs to be done and get them out of situations where they get blown up. This isn't a Bush thing necessarily, but so far he's the one who's sending troops over, not Kerry.

And if Bush sends my best friend AJ, who is in the marines, to Iraq to get shot at, you can damn well bet I'm not voting for him.

There was something else but now I'm all "war bad! grrr!" so I can't really remember. That happens often, and usually when I can't blame it on the war in Iraq...

This week's noted quote:

"Do not drive with sunshade open. Remove sunshade from windshield before operating vehicle." - Warning on folding cardboard shade that goes in a car windshield.

This means someone, somewhere at one point thought, it doesn't say to take it down so I'll drive with this piece of cardboard completely blocking my windshield! Probably right before they hit the tree.

Wednesday, July 07, 2004

Now Playing:
Bobby Darin, Mack the Knife

I was going to submit a list of particularly dorky things I did today, but anyone who knows me already knows I'm a gigantic dork and anyone else doesn't need proof of this. To summarize, I made a calculator program and thought about video games a lot. Didn't play them, but it's the thought that counts anyway.

And now, a new feature, noted quotes:

"Erections lasting four hours or more, though rare, require immediate medical attention." - commercial for 36-hour Cialis

Seriously though, wouldn't it be the woman needing the medical attention?

Saturday, July 03, 2004

Now Playing:
Snoop Dogg feat. Pharrell, Beautiful
The Soggy Bottom Boys, The Man of Constant Sorrow

The results of a playlist alphabetized by author.

Recently I came to the conclusion that I kind of suck at everything. That is, I have not put significant effort into anything that I've done to date. While that unfairly discounts the numerous long hours I've put into many of my classes, particularly recently, it seems in retrospect that I could concentrate much more on school and perhaps do a bit better. In comparison to people who do as well as I do but know what they are trying to accomplish and work to achieve it, I think I am still doing little more than is required, and it disappoints me. It continues to disappoint me, as I am sure this won't change overnight. I have met great challenges and made great sacrifices for my school, but somehow it doesn't seem nearly enough now. Perhaps I'll change that while I still can...